Jerusalem Post, April 30
Where is world outrage over Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul?
Holding the bodies of soldiers killed in action and refusing their return to their next of kin for burial is a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law.2017-04-30 by Colonel Richard Kemp, Major General James Molan and Arsen Ostrovsky
The Australian, April 24
Puppet-state Lebanon a pawn for ambitious Iran
For the sake of another very small aspect of peace in the Middle East, and particularly for the sake of the Lebanese people, the world should act to split the Lebanese government from Hezbollah, even if it takes sanctions against the Lebanese government to do it.2017-04-24 by Major General Andrew James Molan
Reporteros Online, April 9
Hezbollah: la Próxima Guerra
No podemos abandonar a Israel. Defender a Israel no es solo un compromiso, si no también una obligación moral.2017-04-06 by Colonel Eduardo Ramírez
Interview with Colonel Richard Kemp
International community ignoring Hezbollah threat to Israel
"We want to highlight to the international community that unless something is done to prevent Hezbollah under direction of Iran from attacking Israel, and Israel will respond, and there will be civilian casualties and Israel will be condemned by the international community [this could happen, and we need] to give notice to the international community that this could happen, and that when it does happen the casualties are not Israel's fault but Hezbollah's."2017-04-01 by Jerusalem Post
Il Giornale, March 4
A sparkling comet at the UN
Since its foundation, Israel has received 228 condemn resolutions: the General assembly has condemned it 18 times in 2016 alone, and the Security Council 12 times. Not even Iran, Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan summed together are on a par with the Jewish State.2017-03-04 by Fiamma Nirenstein
Tencent Dajia, February 21
The centenary of the Balfour Declaration
"A century on, the Declaration stands as a righteous blow for genius, development, progress and freedom. Foremost among the types of people who admire these phenomena are the Chinese, who should therefore also celebrate the centenary of the Balfour Declaration."2017-02-22 by Professor Andrew Roberts
The Telegraph, February 13
Nato needs to reform into a global alliance against Islamic terrorism - or become obsolete
Yes, Mr President, we agree with you that Nato has become obsolete. But we believe you can make it relevant again. Your allies will follow.2017-02-13 by Rafael Bardaji and Colonel Richard Kemp
What is the real obstacle to peace?
The truth about the Jewish settlements and Jerusalem
The basic problem is the tenacious refusal of the Palestinian leadership -- both the one in Ramallah, the West Bank, linked to Al Fatah, and the one that controls the Gaza Strip, subordinated to Hamas -- to recognize the existence of the Jewish state and declare clearly that they are willing to live peacefully with their neighbors.2017-01-18 by Carlos Alberto Montaner