The Hill, October 23
Thanks to Obama, America is two steps behind Iran in Middle East
Thanks to Obama and the bureaucracy, the United States seemingly has no post-Raqqa politico-military policy, allowing Iran greater regional dominance by default.2017-10-23 by Ambassador John Bolton
The Weekly Standard, October 4
Trump Not Expected to Certify Iranian Compliance with the Nuclear Deal
Move would give Congress 60 days to reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on the Islamic republic.2017-10-04 by Lee Smith
The National Interest, September 30
Iran Wants America to Ignore Its Nuclear Ambitions
Once the nuclear deal expires, Iran will ironically be much better positioned to move to nuclear weapons than it was before the deal was negotiated.2017-09-30 by Emily Landau
The Hill, September 11
Iran deal devotees try in vain to save a sinking ship
A deliverable nuclear-weapons capability in the hands of Tehran's ayatollahs and the Revolutionary Guards, religious extremists supported by a fascist military, could make another 9/11 far deadlier than the first. This is not the time to light candles to Obama's Iran nuclear deal, but to snuff them out.2017-09-11 by Ambassador John Bolton
National Review, August 28
How to Get Out of the Iran Nuclear Deal
Ambassador John Bolton proposes a plan to abrogate the execrable nuclear deal with Iran.2017-08-28 by Ambassador John Bolton
International Business Times, August 21
What Europe can learn from Israel in its war against vehicle attacks and lone wolf terror
In Israel, you will find there is heavy presence of security, both uniformed and not, at major sites, as well as concrete reinforced barriers at key landmarks and bus stops, to prevent vehicular rammings.2017-08-21 by Colonel Richard Kemp and Arsen Ostrovsky
Breitbart, June 16
How to Fight Islamic Terrorism Effectively? - Learn From Israel
The time for decisive action has come. The alternative is to surrender to the fact that our personal destiny is in the hands of a group of jihadists, motivated and convinced that we should convert or die. Or simply die for our sins.2017-06-16 by Colonel Richard Kemp and Rafael Bardaji
FOII has raised its voice against anti-Israel vote in FIFA
We have asserted Mr. Infantino our views and positions on this misuse of FIFA and we made clear that to punish Israel Football Association is unfair and gets FIFA involved in a political fight.2017-05-05 by Friends of Israel Initiative