• Article published at the National Review/Digital

    Friends in Need

    Jay Nordlinger, in the National Review’s issue of July 4th 2011, takes a close look at the Friends of Israel Initiative, its fight to defend Israel’s right to exist as a normal country and the principles that moved its founder.

    2011-07-04 by Jay Nordlinger

  • Interview with the World Jewish Congress’ Dan Diker

    Israel must be proactive in defending its legitimacy

    In an interview with the World Jewish Congress’ Dan Diker, Rafael Bardaji, Executive Director of FOII, says Israel’s challenges are mounting and its international isolation is growing.

    2011-03-17 by Rafael Bardají

  • The Re-legitimation of Israel

    "Since it’s politically unfair, morally reprehensible, and strategically dangerous, we must strive for Israel’s re-legitimation and defend the principle that Israel is a regular country just as any other one"

    2011-02-16 by José María Aznar

  • U.S. Congressional Resolution supporting Friends of Israel Initiative

    What follows is the full text, from the Library of Congress, of a bi-partisan resolution introduced in the House of Representatives in support of the Initiative, co-sponsored by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ).


  • Speech announcing launch in Washington DC

    The following is the text of a speech delivered to more than 70 guests, friends and supporters of the Friends of Israel Initiative in Washington DC by Jose Maria Aznar.

    2010-09-14 by Jose Maria Aznar

  • Speech to World Jewish Congress in Jerusalem

    Defending Israel to Defend Ourselves

    Israel today is nothing less than essential to us, not only because the Jewish state is located in the very region where the strategic tectonic plates collide, but because Israel is one of the few nations willing to pay a price for its survival.

    2010-09-01 by Jose Maria Aznar

  • New York Post

    Letting Israel hang

    Article published by John Bolton, in the New York Post, June 7, 2010

    2010-06-07 by John Bolton